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About Kimberley Buckler
 (Reiki Master & Intuitive)
 Truth Seeker
Usui Reiki Master: 
Even with the training and teaching Usui Reiki classes for several years, Kim finds there is always room for learning and growth.  Her intuitiveness and strong empathic abilities have helped herself and assisted the  students to grow in amazing ways.
Truth Seeker:
We search for: why we become sick, why we are not going forward, and why we are where we are today.  Through intuition, spirit guided information and empathy we can find the answers and learn to hear and speak our truth.  Are you ready to go forward?  Are you ready to regain your physical, spiritual and emotional health?  Join me in the journey.  Find the peace that you have been searching for.  It Is Time for us to remember that we can bring heaven and earth together in order to live in peace each day.  We all are healers within.     
Kim Buckler is a certified Usui Reiki Master and Teacher.  Taking her courses from two different instructors taught her that each practitioner has their own personal touch. Kim is an empathic healer who shares  her gentle healing techniques with her clients.  She provides respect and comfort during the treatments along with sharing thoughts for growth: physically, emotionally and spiritually.  Kim has been teaching Usui Reiki for over 12 years now, and finds every class a learning experience for both her and her students.  She focuses on teaching small groups of students,  allowing the opportunity to spend more time with each student.
    Kim became a certified Reflexology Practitioner through the Wild Rose College of Natural Healing and has taken several other courses at the Wild Rose College, including Crystal Healing, Angelic Awakenings and Traditional Native Teachings.  She continues to follow her own path of healing through natural methods and is focused on developing her already strong intuitive abilities.  As a natural healer and intuitive, Kim is able to pass on information and experiences to her clients.
      Kim has provided several presentations on Reiki and Reflexology at the libraries in Cochrane and in Calgary, Alberta.  Invitations for other group presentations have been accepted and greatly enjoyed.  Kim has also brought together volunteers who gather together twice a month to give free Reiki treatments to the Seniors of Cochrane. 
    TV Talk Show with Jeni Cousins:  I was very blessed and honoured to be asked to be a co-host in a spiritual talk show with Jeni Cousins.   The show started on September 15th 2013.  Each week there is a new guest: wholistic practitioner or someone who is aware of the shifts and changes that are going on.
The links to the show that has been put on You Tube can be found:  Show with Jeni Cousins
In November 2015 the book called "The Essence of Who We Are" was published and printed.  What an amazing experience to see a vision become a reality and go beyond what the vision first represented it self as. I wanted to share my experiences as being an empath, while having to learn to work with the spirit realm.  With these experiences I can hopefully help out those who are wondering what is going on around them and share how to set boundaries and see the spirit realm in a more comfortable way. 
 Note from Kim:  If you have any questions regarding experiences that you have been through, or seeking a support system, I would be honoured to help you find the answers.  I have gone through a lot of changes, still growing and learning.  Yet I know what it feels like when we are stuck in development or have experiences that we are unsure of.  There are many times when I have felt, seen or experienced something that left me unsure and not knowing what to do next.  I have been blessed with support and would like to share the same. 
Please email me at: bucklers@shaw.ca and we can all work together.  Have a peaceful day and remember to enjoy and embrace each moment as it comes.